Comments on WordPress Update News and views from the Licquia family 2005-02-23T02:25:26Z WordPress By: Neil Cox Neil Cox 2005-02-23T02:25:26Z 2005-02-23T02:25:26Z Thanks, Jeff! Hey I see is also doing WordPress 1.5 update. Another good Christian guy here in Indy. YBIC, Neil.

By: Jeff Licquia Jeff Licquia 2005-02-22T15:35:05Z 2005-02-22T15:35:05Z Not hard. You need a web server that can do PHP, and a MySQL database server. (They can be on the same host.) Once you have that, you can just download WordPress, unpack it where you want it, edit a configuration file, and hit a URL on the server that finishes the installation.

PHP and MySQL are available for Windows, too, which allows you to use WordPress on Microsoft IIS if you want. (Or Apache for Windows, if you prefer.)

Here is the WordPress 5-minute install.

By: Neil Cox Neil Cox 2005-02-22T13:24:18Z 2005-02-22T13:24:18Z Jeff… How tough would it be to quickly hang WordPress (or what’s the MS counterpart?) on a (secured) corporate intranet?
