Spam Karma!

Well, the default WordPress spam system was working just peachy. Until yesterday, that is, when the nasty little spammers changed tactics.

The good news is that I’ve found a spam plugin that actually works with WordPress 1.5: Spam Karma. And what a plugin it is, too. It is amazingly cool-looking, especially from the admin point of view.

So, we’ll see if it lives up to its potential. Give us a few days, and if it works out, we’ll have a new comment policy.

How will this affect all three of my fans? Well, when you post a comment, you might be asked to read some funny-looking letters from a graphic into a box and submit it. The possibility exists that some people just might be denied access; if that happens, give me a buzz by E-mail. Here’s the address to use. (If you select the link, your computer should start an E-mail for you with the address filled in, so you don’t have to type it yourself or play with cut-n-paste.)

The stuff between the first plus sign and the at-sign means “Starting close to midnight on March 6, accept all mail from anyone for exactly two weeks.” That way, you guys can E-mail me, but by the time spam harvesters pick up the address, it will have expired. That also means that anyone else trying the address after about March 20 won’t get through, either; if we’re still having problems, check more recent blog posts for updated addresses to use.